image of a parliament house with a pool in front of it and a sketch of a brunette woman's face to the side

Jenny Schwartz

Strangely hopeful fantasy & science fiction

2025 is the Year of Caldryn Parliament, my new series mashing together the science fiction, fantasy, and mystery genres. I have a whole website devoted to it, It’s worth checking out not just to explore this new world but for the regular weekly blog posts there where I’ll discuss books, writing, and publishing. These’ll happen every Thursday morning (my time – in New York it’ll be Wednesday evening).

Stars Die is book one in this new series.

Cover of Stars Die featuring a cubist parliament house and the silhouette of a woman in a trenchcoat and fedora

You can find a list of all my other books under (very imaginatively) Books in the menu. You’ll also find a “subscribe” button just below the menu. It will allow you to sign up to receive new release posts from my blog here.