I’m looking forward to this week

Firstly because the lovely Liz Fichera and Claire Robyns are guest blogging on Tuesday and Thursday. That makes this week officially historic–since Liz and Claire both have wonderful historical romances with Carina Press.

My second reason for loving this week is that I’m starting my sweet contemporary romance, working title, “Bridesmaid. Secretary. Bride?”. I’ve been going on a bit about how Evan (the hero) is a landscape gardener. Believe me, I’ve only just begun to babble about this. It’s a wonderful excuse to research gardens, especially therapy gardens, and I’ll be sharing some of what I find here through the next few weeks. I love how whatever your passion is, it can become healing for someone else (I’m thinking of therapy gardens).

And since good things come in threes…I survived Carina Press’s launch month. It was totally enjoyable, but a massive learning curve as I’ve come to grips with social media. Twitter, Facebook, Yahoo loops, WordPress, Tumblr, creating (and re-creating) a website, tweaking this blog, guest blogging (this was fun!), keeping up with Carina Press authors careening through the Net. It’s been exhausting, exhilirating, a once in a lifetime-so glad I was part of it experience. But part of me is jumping up and down with glee that it can (almost) single-mindedly focus on writing.


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