Trying not to be political

I have a personal rule not to post about politics. I enjoy and learn from other people’s political posts, but I don’t know that a post ever changes a reader’s mind. I guess posting on politics is more about affirming where you belong.

Just so everyone knows, I belong on the left side.

Because of my rule I haven’t posted about the Australian Federal election which is two weeks away.

Nor will I, though I’m sitting here typing and deleting a ton of words. For my own self-respect I refuse to post a personal attack. I have met one of the Prime Ministerial candidates. It was years ago, but I remember my tears.

Please consider carefully the policies of the party you decide to vote for. Look deeper than their ads and the ads of the vested interests with deep pockets. Consider who you want building the future of our country, and who you’d invite into your home.


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