Romance Round the Net

If you’re thinking of adopting a pen name, check out Angela James’ advice over at Carina Press. Remember, this is a name you’ll have to live with (hopefully for years!).

Do you read more than one book at a time? Access Romance is asking. I love reading comments online. This time there’s a hint that people keep two books going — one on an ereader and one in paper copy. I might read a non-fiction book at the same time as a fiction one, but seldom two fiction books.

I love Jennifer Rardin’s idea of using a book club for her heroes. Quick interview over at RT Book Reviews. Passionate readers are smart, funny and opinionated — what’s not to like?

And I’m hovering between disappointed and encouraged that while Deb has returned my third Out of the Bottle novella (the dreaded rejection), she’s done so with suggestions for changes and a chance to re-sub. I really, really appreciate second chances.

Sorry this romance round up is so brief — I’m already fixated on how I’ll be changing the novella. Obsessive? I think it’s a synonym for writer.

2 responses to “Romance Round the Net”

  1. Sounds more like over-achieving than gnat-span attention 🙂 I'd get confused with that many storylines going.And thanks for the crossed fingers, Sis. Here's hoping!

  2. I have the attention span of a gnat… usually have a paperback, an ebook and an audiobook going at the same time, and (if it counts as a book) often a BBC radio serial too. :)Fingers crossed for your re-sub…


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