Happy Viola Week


My Great-Aunt Nancy used to call violas Johnny-Jump-Ups. They’re wonderful little plants, tough and cheerful, and friendly. They’re like smiling pixie faces in the garden.

In a Viola Week the celebration is all about crowds. Personally, I’m not a fan of crowds. This could be because I’m short and claustrophobia kicks in 😉 But crowds have their own energy and embracing it can give you a much-needed lift.

People coming together for a shared, positive purpose are life-affirming. There is often a cost associated with a crowd activity (discomfort that can be transport difficulties, trodden on toes, schedule clashes, individuals we dislike, etc), but the benefits are too often ignored. Being part of something bigger than ourselves is a great way to shake our preoccupations.

So, when you see a crowd (not a mob!) this week, don’t hurry in the other direction. Take a deep breath, work out why the crowd exists, and join in. Embrace its energy and contribute your own.


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