Category: Kindle Scout

  • Release Day: Sky Garden

    Sky Garden is live! Transport yourselves to the rooftops of London, to a world of mystery and love. On the rooftops of London, you can be anyone. A year ago, Lanie Briers escaped a serial killer. She grew up in a theatre family and her act was mediumship, but not anymore. Life, now, is a…

  • Kindle Scout said “No”

    After that long and moderately stressful campaign, Kindle Scout has rejected Sky Garden. I’m disappointed, but I was prepared for this response, and I’ll be self-publishing Sky Garden. Everything is ready to go, I just have to do some of the behind the scenes stuff and it’ll be out in the world. I hope you…

  • My Kindle Scout Campaign Experience

    Kindle Scout is run by Amazon. Authors submit a book for a thirty day window in which readers are invited to nominate it for publication. Kindle Scout editors then consider the book. If they select it for publication, readers who nominated it receive a free copy on publication; and, authors receive a five year contract,…

  • Friends and Kindle Scout

    I never expected that trying Kindle Scout as a path-to-publication option for my romantic suspense novel, Sky Garden, would open the door to warm-fuzzies, but it has. The advice around things like the Kindle Scout program, where you need nominations (i.e. people to click, vote or whatever you want to call pushing that blue button)…

  • Multiple Projects

    Until my Kindle Scout campaign for Sky Garden ends on Nov 21, 2015, I’ll be obsessed with it. I check the statistics (low, low and disappointingly low) and I worry. It leads me to question whether the lack of reader engagement is due to an off-putting cover, blurb or excerpt. Or is it the whole…