Category: Newsletter

  • How Are You Going, Getting Ready for Christmas?

    I’m curious. Are you ready for Christmas? I’ve heard there are some super-people who already have all their presents bought! Please, tell me they’re not also already gift-wrapped! Me, I’m not even thinking about Christmas yet – other than to plan out some book promotion around that time – and yes, I think I will…

  • Nearly Halloween, Not Spooky At All Post

    Are you ready for Halloween? We have chocolates in the house, really yummy ones that make me contemplate hiding from any trick-or-treaters and eating them myself – no, I wouldn’t! But … mmm, chocolate 🙂 In case you missed it, this was my earlier post with a spooky, eclectic list of books suitable for Halloween…

  • Blurb Help! Cosmic Catalyst is nearly here.

    It feels like ages since I last chatted with you. Trying to catch up with things after my fall has sent me into a kind of hermit existence with occasional forays onto Facebook and Twitter. But the good news is that Cosmic Catalyst (sequel to Her Robot Wolf) should be out next week!!! So all…

  • Halloween Books in Kindle Unlimited

    I asked a popular authors group on Facebook if they wanted to share any of their books that are in Kindle Unlimited and which they think are perfect reading for Halloween. Here are the results, books for you to read and enjoy while eating “leftover” Halloween candy. As always, please check that the books are…

  • A Fall, The Recovery, and Books!

    Two weeks ago I did a nifty trick and fell down my own back step. For a single misstep, the results were spectacular: bruises everywhere, grazes, and a badly sprained ankle that still has me hobbling and lying down to rest it. Add in the sore elbow with pain extending to the right hand if…