Category: Uncategorized

  • Dee Tenorio interviews Deb Nemeth

    Over at Carina Press. Dee is a great author and Deb a fearless editor. Drop by and read Deb’s great escape. Neat hint at the end of the interview for authors submitting their MS.

  • Time v Money–and your book buying habits

    Again over at Dear Author, a discussion on how finite resources (time and money) affect readers’ habits. For authors this is the question of will readers buy your book in place of someone else’s or in addition to it.

  • Harlequin Blogger Bundle

    If you remember a Harlequin romance (from 1998 on) with an unusual heroine and you’d love to read it again (in digital form) drop over to Dear Author to nominate it and/or vote. Harlequin is putting together another blogger bundle.

  • Idle Thoughts

    I was thinking about the stars last night, how I have two competing concepts of the night sky. One is the myth-informed notion of the stars as a celestial background to human lives and the other is as vastly distant suns, all furious science. These competing conceptions left me unable to pursue a single vision in…

  • Revelation to the Alien

    Every Day Poets has published my poem, Revelation to the Alien. I’d call it darkly satirical, but what do I know? I sure had fun writing it.