Tag: Kindle Scout

  • My Kindle Scout Campaign Experience

    Kindle Scout is run by Amazon. Authors submit a book for a thirty day window in which readers are invited to nominate it for publication. Kindle Scout editors then consider the book. If they select it for publication, readers who nominated it receive a free copy on publication; and, authors receive a five year contract,…

  • Multiple Projects

    Until my Kindle Scout campaign for Sky Garden ends on Nov 21, 2015, I’ll be obsessed with it. I check the statistics (low, low and disappointingly low) and I worry. It leads me to question whether the lack of reader engagement is due to an off-putting cover, blurb or excerpt. Or is it the whole…

  • Statistics and Kindle Scout

    One of the big advantages of self-publishing over traditional publishing is the data you control. You see your sales figures. Add in that you control things like your book’s price and that you can manipulate it for discount or free promotions, and you begin to see some of the options for testing your market. You can see…

  • Managing Expectations

    Kindle Scout calls the 30 days in which a submitted novel can be nominated for publication a “campaign”. I suspect they’re thinking of it in terms of a “marketing campaign”, and it is. More on that in another post. What I want to talk about here is the emotional and personal element of the campaign. Only…

  • Graphics Support

    I’m a fan of graphics supporting a textual message. With my romantic suspense novel, Sky Garden, listed with Kindle Scout and needing nominations for Kindle Scout editors to consider it for publication, I know I need to be on-message all 30 days of the campaign — and “campaign” is exactly what Kindle Scout calls this nomination…