Tag: Romance Writers of Australia

  • Claytons Conference

    This year I’m organising the Romance Writers of Australia’s Claytons Conference, a day and a bit long online conference that’s free to members and jam-packed with informative and motivational sessions, not to mention tons of socialising. It runs the evening of Friday 17 August and all Saturday 18 August so that those of us who…

  • Claytons2012

    The Claytons Conference is the online conference for Romance Writers of Australia (RWAus) members who can’t make it to the face-to-face conference. Last year was my first experience of Claytons and I loved it. It was motivational, informative and most of all, it gave me a strong sense of belonging to the romance writing (and…

  • I’ve been interviewed!

    I’m over at Romance Writers of Australia talking about my writing day. It’s nice sometimes to have someone ask you questions about your craft — when I stop to think about it, I’ve learned a lot over the last few years: Editors are human, ideas are endless, the writing/reading community is awesomely supportive, and sitting…

  • Why are you reading this?

    You should be at the Romance Writers of Australia conference or — if like me you couldn’t make it to Melbourne — following the awesome advice on Twitter. Follow the hashtag #RWAus11. You can also follow #RWAClaytons which is the online conference for RWAus members who didn’t make it to Melbourne.

  • Writer Wednesday

    Eleni Konstantine is one of the many smart, generous, funny, kind, wonderful (all the superlatives are warranted!) people I’ve met since joining Romance Writers of Australia. And she has a great website!