Tag: writing

  • Seven Universal Motivations

    I hesitated over this title. A motivation is the why of what you want to achieve. It is what drives your actions. In crafting stories, classic plots include the revenge plot or searching for love. But wind back to the heart of the story, of why it’s being written, of what journey the protagonist is…

  • 2014 Wrap Up

    2014 has been a year of change for me. I’ll get to the writing stuff — the substance of this post — in a tick, but first I have to acknowledge the huge impact of moving house and all the stuff that went on around it. From finding the house (four months of haunting real…

  • 2013 Predictions

    As both an author and a romance reader I’m interested in what 2013 might bring. Will it be the year that Gothic romances make a triumphant return? Harlequin is debuting a new line called “Shivers“. Phyllis Whitney and Barbara Michaels taught me to love an atmospheric contemporary Gothic, but their books are now decades old.…

  • Writing Poetry

    This is not a how-to guide. If you want that, I recommend Stephen Fry’s excellent An Ode Less Travelled. This post is more selfish. I realised that since I intend to post a few of my poems on this blog (why yes, that is an easy way to think up a blog post topic! 😉…

  • Brand Promise Jargon

    Maybe those three words, “brand, promise, jargon” don’t jangle your nerves, but they do mine. I think it’s because slick jargon is hiding some important stuff I want to talk about. Stuff like, expectations, conversations, identity, reality, work, friendship and why the heck am I, Ms Hermit, spending so much time on social media? The…