Category: Kindle Scout

  • Statistics and Kindle Scout

    One of the big advantages of self-publishing over traditional publishing is the data you control. You see your sales figures. Add in that you control things like your book’s price and that you can manipulate it for discount or free promotions, and you begin to see some of the options for testing your market. You can see…

  • Edwardian Inspiration

    In Sky Garden, the heroine is curator of a quirky museum in Bloomsbury that is all about the Edwardian era. Researching what would have been in an Edwardian home and the attitudes that would have been on display was a lot of fun. Then, add in that the hero of Sky Garden designs an Edwardian-inspired…

  • Marketing for Kindle Scout

    Marketing has negative connotations in my mind. I know this is silly, but I tend to think of it as “convincing people to do things against their best interest”. Yeah, no wonder I hate marketing! But with Kindle Scout and asking people to nominate my romantic suspense, Sky Garden, for consideration by its editors, I…

  • Managing Expectations

    Kindle Scout calls the 30 days in which a submitted novel can be nominated for publication a “campaign”. I suspect they’re thinking of it in terms of a “marketing campaign”, and it is. More on that in another post. What I want to talk about here is the emotional and personal element of the campaign. Only…

  • Facebook Advertising

    When it comes to Facebook advertising, I’m still falling off my bike despite the trainer wheels on it. For me, at any rate, it’s mysterious and generally disappointing in its results. However, I’ve been reading and learning as others have shared their experience, and this is what I’m trying for Sky Garden‘s Kindle Scout campaign.…