Category: Reviews

  • A New Map of the Universe by Annabel Smith

    A New Map of the Universe by Annabel Smith is a novel about the silences within and between people. The title comes from a wonderful sentence, “He gave her a new map of the universe and then he left her to navigate her way through it alone.” (p. 65) Annabel writes in a spare poetic…

  • Promises by Cathryn Hein

    Promises by Cathryn Hein opens with a perfect balance between an absorbing portrayal of the world of horse training and the slow reveal of secrets. The tension sustains beautifully and becomes the emotional journey to maturity of the heroine, Sophie. There’s drama in the journey, but I could believe the ending. And I have to confess,…

  • A Taste of Life & Love in Australia by Margaret Lynette Sharp

    Participating in the Australian Women Writers Challenge has set me on a bit of a short story kick, which is fantastic because I didn’t read nearly enough before. Short stories fit perfectly into snatched reading time, but they also allow writers to showcase their talent and to put out there ideas that maybe don’t have…

  • Black Glass by Meg Mundell

    Gorgeous cover, isn’t it? Black Glass by Meg Mundell definitely met the Australian Women Writers Challenge to read outside my comfort zone. Dystopian YA with no guarantee of a happy ending? To prove I’m no coward I cracked open the book (thanks to my local library for getting in a copy 🙂 ) and started…

  • Heard It on the Grapevine by Monica Gagliano

    As a non-scientist I’m hugely appreciative of scientists who can write up their findings in a simple way that invites everyone to consider the implications. Monica Gagliano has done just that with her article, “Heard it on the grapevine: the mysterious chatter of plants” published online at The Conversation. Studies show that plants respond to…