Category: Writing Update

  • Writing Update

    Short and sweet this week … I am writing! “Curses and Confetti”, my third steampunk novella, is underway. I can’t say too much for fear of jinxing it. No, I’m not superstitious…except… I do believe that in the early stages of a new project talking too much about it drains off the enthusiasm-energy that’s needed…

  • Writing Update

    I’ve started outlining a third steampunk novella. Australian history is rich in topics for steampunk treatment. I have diary-sized notebooks in which I scribble down character descriptions, plot ideas, historic details, steampunk gadgets and anything else that comes to mind and might have a place in the final story. Fortunately, I can decipher my own…

  • Writing Update

    I’m having fun! I love adding the detail of costumes and steampunk gadgets and imagining the world of 1895 Swan River. Second drafts are heaven! In writing-related news, I’m also getting myself organised for promoting “Wanted: One Scoundrel” when it releases as part of Carina Press’s Christmas anthology. That means photos of Fremantle and Swan…

  • Writing Update

    I can see the finish line for the first draft of Courting Trouble! First drafts are intriguing as you tease out plot tangles and surprises, but second drafts are indulgently blissful because you get to add colour.

  • Writing Update

    I have a fascinating idea for a third steampunk novella. I’m gloating over it while I finish my second novella, which is tentatively titled, Courting Trouble. And boy is there trouble! Esme and Jed have a huge save-the-world type challenge. Such fun!