New Release: Stars Die

I’ve been teasing you for ages regarding my secret project. Well, here it is!

Out today is Stars Die, book 1 in my new series, Caldryn Parliament, which mashes together the genres of science fiction, fantasy, and mystery.

And if a new book and series isn’t enough for you, I have a new website devoted to the world of Caldryn Parliament. You can explore it all at

cover of Stars Die featuring a cubist parliament house and the silhouette of a woman

Stars Die

Buy link:

Welcome to Caldryn Parliament. Golden Age mysteries in the Realm of science fiction and fantasy.

Recalled from the frontier, the new Warden of Caldryn Parliament is well aware she’s not a popular choice, but she never expected to portal into a murder scene.

Nor did she anticipate acquiring such a unique partner.

Now, Vanda Kavanagh must discover the truth of a politician’s death, unravel the mystery of her sabotaged wards, and survive her family.


Stars Die is a magic parliament mystery. If you’ve ever wished that Agatha Christie included magic or that Sherlock Holmes fought space pirates, this is the series for you!

Caldryn Parliament is my focus this year. There’ll be two more ebooks, Hexes Fly (June) and Rogues Lie (October) before I can turn my attention to audio and paperback editions. I learned my lesson last year. I can’t do everything at once. So, the ebooks are first to get the series established. Then I’ll look at releasing them in all formats – probably not hardback, but who knows?

If you pop over to you’ll see a SUBSCRIBE button under the main menu. This is for the weekly blog posts I intend to share there. While this newsletter remains for new release alerts only, over at if you subscribe you’ll get my weekly posts which will talk about the series, but also about other books (book recommendations, yay!), writing, and publishing.

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14 responses to “New Release: Stars Die”

  1. Kate Avatar

    Yay!!! So excited to see a new series from you!

    1. Jenny Schwartz Avatar
      Jenny Schwartz

      Kate, it was so hard not to drop hints about it last year 🙂

  2. xrjl00 Avatar

    It showed up in my Kindle library this morning.

    1. Jenny Schwartz Avatar
      Jenny Schwartz

      Woohoo! Hope you enjoyed it!

  3. Frances Dalziel Avatar
    Frances Dalziel

    Huzzah! Anew book and new world, so looking forward to reading it

    1. Jenny Schwartz Avatar
      Jenny Schwartz

      Frances, thank you!!! (and so so sorry for the delay in replying)

  4. Anne Luree Avatar
    Anne Luree

    Dear Jenny,
    I loved the new book. I left a review on Amazon under Schmetterlink. Love Vanda and Gibby. So cool!!!!thank you. Anne Luree

    1. Jenny Schwartz Avatar
      Jenny Schwartz

      Anne, sorry for the delay in replying. This tech stuff (all the behind the scenes things) has gotten away from me – or else I have gremlins – and not the cute Giddy kind! Super-glad you enjoyed the book and hugely grateful for your review 🙂 You’re a star!

  5. disperser Avatar

    Is it only available on Amazon?

    1. Jenny Schwartz Avatar
      Jenny Schwartz

      Unfortunately, yes. At the moment they’re only on Amazon. I’d love to change that, but a lot of people save their book budgets by using Kindle Unlimited, and Amazon demands exclusivity for books in it (unless you’re a big publisher – yes, I love that double standard!). Sorry 🙁 I am always on the lookout for alternatives.

      1. disperser Avatar

        By the way, I liked the series, but thought book give was a bit rushed, almost as if you were getting tired of it or were anxious to move on to something else. Still a better read than many books and series I’ve tried.

        1. disperser Avatar

          Book five, not book give. Darn autocorrect!

          1. Jenny Schwartz Avatar
            Jenny Schwartz

            Autocorrect is the devil! Glad you’re enjoying my other books. With this new series I’ve allowed myself to indulge in longer books, and you know, I still can’t fit everything in! I guess that’s what the next book is for 🙂

  6. disperser Avatar

    No problem. I read your Adventures of a Xeno-Archeologist series on kindleUnlimited, but I just paused it. I’ll catch up with your other stuff when I switch it on again (I follow a 3-months on, 3 months off schedule) . However, I’m getting annoyed with Amazon, so I’m also looking for other sources for books I might be interested in.

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