Tag: Australian Women Writers Challenge

  • Australian Women Writers Challenge 2013

    When the Australian Women Writers Challenge launched in 2012 I signed up and it really did stretch my reading habits, but the real win was the challenge to REVIEW. As an author, I happily read widely. I read constantly (well, sometimes I sleep). But reviewing was scary. AWW12 changed all that. Now I enjoy the…

  • Australian Women Writers Challenge

    The Australian Women Writers (AWW) Challenge started this year, and I signed up early. It’s not for writers, it’s for readers. You commit to reading a certain number of books by Australian women writers, and you challenge yourself to read outside your usual genres. Libraries are a huge help in browsing for different, new-to-you authors.…

  • Dead Heat by Bronwyn Parry

    Dead Heat by Bronwyn Parry is a gem. This is first class romantic suspense with well-developed main characters, no shying away from hard choices and hard lives, and high tension with believable and dramatic action. But what really sold me was the vividly Australian setting. The little details made both place and characters come alive.…

  • Australian Women Writers Challenge 2012

    Having signed up to the Australian Women Writers Challenge last week, it’s past time I committed to at least four books that I’ll read next year to achieve my Franklin Fantastic Dabbler status. It was kind of exciting and scary to venture beyond my comfortable rut of genres and authors. I’m going to add to…