Tag: writing

  • Writing Advice

    Yes, but… I don’t know about you, but I’m a reluctant adopter of good advice. This is a bad trait in anyone learning a craft. There has been a ton of advice, very good advice, that I’ve read, reread and had hit me with a hammer, but which I’ve refused for years to adopt. The…

  • Kiss of Snow

    First up, if you’re reading this hoping for a review…sorry, though I hope to get my review up and on Goodreads soon since I really enjoyed the story. Today, instead of a review, I want to jump off Kiss of Snow to discuss series. I’ve always loved reading books linked in a series, from Enid…

  • Goal, Motivation and Conflict

    Deb Nemeth, my Carina Press editor, recommended “Goal, Motivation and Conflict. The Building Blocks of Good Fiction” by Debra Dixon. All I can say is, good karma to the two Debs 🙂 “Goal, Motivation and Conflict” gives you a framework to deal with your story’s conflict, making it coherent and tight. On the other hand,…

  • Romance Industry News

    Eavesdrop on the Frankfurt Book Fair and publishing’s future. Open call: Carina Press is looking for science fiction novellas — holiday themed — for 2012 publication. They’ll be edited by Angela James. Darlings, I love your hats! but … are you wearing them at the right time? Patricia Wrede has an excellent article on author…

  • Writing Advice

    Typically, Tuesdays have been for writing updates. However, there are only so many times when I can say “writing happily” before it gets boring. So, while I continue writing happily, I will share some advice, or thoughts, on the process every Tuesday. Of course, if I have any fabulous writing news, I’ll ditch the advice…