Writing Update

I’ve started writing Persian Flames (the fourth Out of the Bottle story) and it is so much fun. But I can’t say any more because I want to horde all my enthusiasm and pour it into the story. I have scribbled notes everywhere!

As for Shards, my UF novella, brace yourselves. It’s simmering on the backburner but the first draft isn’t really finished. Why not? Because when I looked it straight in the eye, it looked back and said, “Stop kidding yourself. I’m not a novella. I’m a novel. So get your butt in gear. Untangle that second plot strand, nail down the conflict inherent in the world building and set the scene for the next novel in the series.” Yup, Shards has found its voice and it’s a novel one. It’s scary and exciting because there are a gazillion possibilities.


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