Writing Update

The first draft of “Persian Flames” is done! I’m too close to it at the moment to reflect on how it works — the emotion, the conflict, the magic — and then there’s the description. With the fabulous Iranian setting, have I brought it alive? So much stuff to review, but the first draft is done and I am … relieved. For a while there I thought the characters’ intense emotional journey would trap me forever. It will be interesting to see how it reads after it’s rested a while (sounds like resting dough!).

All of which leaves me free to tackle a short story idea rattling around in my brain. I want to stick an adult into a boarding school. Something light and a touch old-fashioned and submit the story to “My Weekly”.

Plus “Untitled” is my newest project. A paranormal romance novella, minus the suspense of the Out of the Bottle series, but with an Australian flavour and flirtation. Hopefully, the beginning of an “Australian Fey” series.


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