A Beautiful Bell Flower Week


A Bell Flower Week rings in the changes. Most of all your plans will change, so build in some flexibility. This is seven days of ups and downs, and the impossible coming true. So good and bad, be ready to roll with it.

Looking at these beautiful flowers I’m reminded how resilience is incredibly attractive. It’s deeper than surface loveliness. Resilience is having more than one way to achieve your goals and the toughness to slog it out, take the hard path if needed, and get done what must be done. That doesn’t sound that attractive, but it is. People respect — and respond — to resilience. You’re one of the people who they can rely on, a person who keeps their commitments.

The week isn’t only going to hold unexpected surprises. No, I’m not muddled. There’s going to be a surprise which is something you expected long ago but gave up hoping for.

Never give up hope!

In a beautiful Bell Flower Week, everything’s liable to change, except your commitment to your goals. Do what you have to do! Your goals are important.





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