
*insert the cute cat photo of your choice where an exhausted kitten is sleeping*

It’s been a long week, made longer since the paving has started and that is noisy! Also Toby has to be kept inside, and watched when he’s in the yard because gates are open. It’ll be worth it to have a safe, even path and a raised garden bed (to hold up the new fence, if that makes sense? it’s doubling as a retaining wall) where the sand doesn’t avalanche down. But oh why does anything that has to be done around here involve so much mess and noise!

paranormal romance app,Meantime I’m creating a new app for DEMON HUNTER’s release on 17 December – sneak peek to your right! This is quite complicated, but I’ve written out a plan of attack and will get all my ducks in a row (ducks of the photo and audio recording variety).

THE ICARUS PLOT is finished! Well, the first draft is. Oops! I think I forgot to share it here. I’ve been trying to keep my Facebook page active, so stuff has been going to it. The draft blurb:

Ivana March runs a very special toyshop in the heart of Victorian London. The last thing she expects to see enter it is an earl. Not that she has time to entertain him. Someone is stealing children, and the streetkids whisper tales of a “Metal Man”. Ivana must find the monster, rescue the children, and if the earl really wants to help, he can come with her. Only, no one warned her she’d have to venture to places better left unexplored. A good thing, then, that the new Earl of Somer is a noted explorer. When the two of them join forces, what could possibly go wrong?

THE ICARUS PLOT is due out in January. As is a secret project (whisper, coastal romance) that I’ve signed up to even if I’m already insanely busy. I’ll be scribbling LIGHT KISSES (there’s a lighthouse) through Christmas I suspect. The joys of being an author *wry smile*

Do you have any Christmas plans? I was planning a quiet one anyway (this year has been insane!) and now I’m grateful because I might be able to catch up on my writing.

Before I forget, did you see the new cover for CURSES AND CONFETTI? Isn’t it pretty?

steampunk romance,





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