New Release: A House by Any Other Name

It is finally release day for A House by Any Other Name. It’s been the longest pre-order I’ve ever done, and I am THRILLED to finally be sharing it with you.

Buy link:

Reality is a complicated multiverse of many species and rare magic. Diplomats are the official envoys and investigators who hold the Union of Worlds together.

Raisa never intended to be a diplomat. Like so many things in her life, it was her stepmother’s idea.

Hector is an elf in disgrace. He chose his cyborged brother over his lying, abusive family. Elves revile augmented people. They leave such despicable technology to their ancient enemies, the goblins.

When a diplomatic mission strands the two elves on a goblin world they find themselves the target of a legendary killer. If they die, so will the emergent species they were sent to save.

A House By Any Other Name is a stand alone novel in the Hidden Sanctuary series. It includes characters from the Uncertain Sanctuary trilogy. No previous knowledge of Reality is necessary to enjoy the adventure.

It’s mid-2024 and there are so many things which I’d hoped to get done which just haven’t happened.

At the moment, it would take a miracle for me to get paperback editions of my books out this year, so I’m crossing them off my to do list and giving myself a little breathing space.

By focusing my energy, I should have Alien Haunts (book 3 in the Pax Galactica series) ready for release around September.

Happily, I may finally be able to share a Christmas novella with you. I love holiday novellas, but haven’t managed to squeeze them into my writing/publishing schedule the last few years.

Then, in 2025, you get a whole new series. Nope. No hints. Believe me, 2025 will be here all too soon. Yipes! Look at the time … it’s running faster than me on caffeine and chased by plot bunnies 🙂

Happy reading!

The cover of "A House by Any Other Name" against the backdrop of an alien planet.

2 responses to “New Release: A House by Any Other Name”

  1. Dear Jenny,
    I just gobbled down the new book. Oh how I love Reality! What a lovely twist on the houses. Noxie is wonderful. The setting was an unexpected treat, and A lovely balance of races and interests. Thank you for coming back to one of my favorite series!

    • Anne, thank you! I’ve lived and breathed this world and its characters, and I was ridiculously excited and nervous about whether it would click with people. Glad it did. Noxie … I had to be firm with her or the whole story would have become one about her adventures. She was sheer joy to write.


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