New Release: Blade Witch

Happy Thanksbee! My science fiction holiday novella, Blade Witch, is out today. It’s only 99c to own it forever or you can borrow it in Kindle Unlimited (if you’re a subscriber to Amazon’s lending library). Book link:

blade witch, jenny schwartz, scifi, kindle unlimited,

Finally finished with her bodyguard contract to protect a diplomat—ugh, yuk, and such an ANNOYING enchanter—the Blade Witch is heading home for Thanksbee.

But when the ex-diplomat and the Blade Witch’s current annoyance insinuates his way into her journey home, and an orphan AI attempts to pick her storm cloud pocket, and bandits appear from a hypnofield, well, the Blade Witch may find that her blades can’t solve every problem in the universe.


It’s time to carve up the galaxy!

And if you’re curious about Thanksbee and what it celebrates, listen in as the Blade Witch tells Kid the story.

“Every colony ship carried a beehive as a symbol of hope. Bees pollinate flowers so that we have flowers, fruits, vegetables and grains. They keep our landscape alive. They also provide honey and precious wax for natural candles that remind us to treasure light in darkness, and truth amid confusion. But mostly, the first colonists carried a hive because it represents building a home together with each individual doing their part and everyone sharing in the sweetness of survival.”

That was the ideal and it was worth believing in.

“Thanksbee is the day when we remember how fortunate we are. We share the day with family and friends. Children are given presents and told that the bees delivered them. Songs are sung. We overeat and overindulge in other things.”

“Intoxicants,” Kid said wisely.

“And emotions,” Martha said. “A lot of emotions bubble to the surface when family and friends gather. I suspect there are as many arguments as gifts exchanged during Thanksbee. Not that my cynicism is part of the story. Thanksbee celebrates hope and the joy of being with the people you love.”

Blade Witch

Other News

Since this will be my last post/newsletter this year, I want to take the opportunity to thank you all SO MUCH for your support and encouragement. 2019 has been a busy year, and you all made it a happy one for me. I love sharing my stories with you and hearing that they resonate.

Happy holidays! I look forward to catching up with you early in the New Year. I’ll be on Facebook and Twitter before then if you need to contact me.

Holiday banner - may your dreams come true.

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