Category: Uncategorized

  • Day Trader

    Lyn definitely works as a day trader. The career choice reveals far more about her character, and enables her greater freedom of action than lawyering ever did. Plus, I can see that her fascination with patterns foreshadows her experience of portals. I’m annoyed to have to rewrite the first third of the book, but I’m…

  • I saw eternity

    “I saw Eternity last night/Like a great ring of pure and endless light”Henry Vaughan, The World These lines have lingered with me for years and possibly prompted me into thinking of numinous experiences. Time is our everyday experience, but here the poet is faced with eternity. It is a challenge, a reassurance, a demand to…

  • Review sites

    I’ve been flicking around various book review sites in the last few weeks (mainly urban fantasy, although this slides into paranormal romance, fantasy in general, SF and crime) and I’ve come to the conclusion most are too crowded and the individual posts too long for my easily bewildered/distracted brain. However, given the general resemblance of…

  • Pre-Orders

    Does pre-ordering books make them arrive faster? Probably not. I doubt my desperation to read the next book in a series affects publishers’ schedules. On the other hand, there is satisfaction in knowing I’ve done all I can do to get hold of the book asap. So there’s my excuse for a buying binge on…

  • Time Zone Calculator

    Having portal travel in my novel, I’m having to watch time shifts. Time and date seems the easiest time calculator to use.