Category: Uncategorized

  • Australia. Continent, but no longer a single country

    I’m 34. Will it be in my lifetime that climate change, demographic reality, shifting identities and loyalties change Australia from a single nation to a continent of nations? When I look at the size of our landmass and the precarious land use in other countries–Pacific islands, Bangladesh, the Maldives–I wonder how seriously they look at…

  • Launched

    She dreams she is a boatafloat on a people sea,rocked by the waves of eternity.Weather forecast uncertain.

  • Numinous

    Here’s Wikipedia’s useful intro to the numinous. It’s about the confronting, fascinating encounter with otherness. Sounds like urban fantasy, hmm? A world linked to, but beyond, everyday human experience.

  • This is fun

    I’ve allowed myself a whole day to set up this blog. It’s exciting, and a gold plated excuse to wriggle out of the word count I should be doing on my urban fantasy novel. Of course, at the back of my mind I’m still musing on ways to make life difficult for its heroine. Poor…

  • Forgotten Authors

    Any favourite authors who are out of print? Anne Hepple. I adore her book, “The Mettlesome Piece”, a mid-Twentieth Century Scottish romance. A wounded hero and heroine and how they heal and find each other. As with all Hepple’s books, other plot strands wind through the romance. Sweet, but not cloying. Emma Lathen is just…