Tag: science fiction

  • Release Day: Salvage

    Salvage, book 1 in The Delphic Dame trilogy, is out today! This is a spin-off from The Adventures of a Xeno-Archaeologist five book series. Or in other words, this is Cherry’s story, spun-off from Nora’s. When I was writing Nora’s story, I had to control the urge to add in Cherry’s drama and secrets –…

  • New Release: Resolve

    I’m not sure what to say about the fifth and final book in the Adventures of a Xeno-Archaeologist science fiction series without becoming overly enthusiastic and dropping spoilers everywhere. So, I’ll just shut up. Enjoy Resolve! Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09MVPF6TR Honestly, I’ve typed/deleted/typed/deleted not to mention scrawled notes that I’ve then thrown away, but anything I add…

  • New Release: Space Baby

    Space Baby is the last book in the Interstellar Sheriff series, and as excited as I am for the new series, I’ll miss these characters. Buy link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08VVX9NH7 Four years ago, Thelma Bach thought she’d lost everything when she was exiled to the Saloon Sector. She was wrong. Life on the frontier has given her…

  • New Release: Space Specter

    Space Specter is out today! Chaos with aliens and AIs as Thelma and Max dive into trouble in the Badstars. Buy link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07XGGNLHR/ (Also available to read in Amazon’s lending library, Kindle Unlimited). The Saloon Sector is the Federation’s official frontier, but beyond it lurks the Badstars. Bandits hide there. The Saloon Sector is Sheriff…

  • Let’s Build an Ark!

    With the release of Stray Magic this week (woohoo! Welcome to the Faerene Apocalypse!) I’ve been thinking about post-apocalyptic fiction and how ancient it is. The story of Noah’s Ark is even older than the Bible, being recounted in the Babylonian Epic of Gilgamesh. The enduring power of the story is due to it getting…