Life on Canning River

I really wanted to post an old 1890s photo of life on the Swan River here (well, on the Canning River, but it’s a contributory to the Swan), but the Australian National University is claiming they have all rights to it and I don’t want to harass them for permission to reproduce the photo on my small blog.

So, here’s the link and it’s well worth clicking through to see people pleasure-boating on the Canning River — and yes, there is a parasol!

And this is the same place now — well, near enough! My geography’s not fantastic. But it is the Canning River! No steamboats, though.

Canning River

Canning River ditch

The last photo is actually of a drainage ditch, with the Canning River in the background. I just think paperbark trees look lovely and couldn’t resist sharing.

4 responses to “Life on Canning River”

    • You'd love the river walk, Maria — although you can't prove it by the photo, it's actually smackbang in the suburbs and some people's yards run down to the walkway. There was a gorgeous rottweiler cross standing up on his fence going "Woof! Look at me!". A lovely Sunday morning.


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