Weekend Reading

Science Fiction & Fantasy Sale, Nov 5-6

Over 100 science fiction and fantasy novels are specially priced at 99c this weekend. Grab them today.

sff sale

To Stockpile Books or Not

curse on the earth, faith hunter, Some years, I save books to read them over the Christmas break. But other times, I can’t even save a book a few days. The second book in Faith Hunter’s Soulwood series released on Tuesday – and I’ve already read it! Curse on the Land continues the strong narrative voice of Blood of the Earth. Nell Ingram is a fantastic heroine. In this book we see her growing and changing. There’s a lot of tension and hints of change in the supporting cast as well. Promises well for a long-running series.

anna hackett, gladiator,I’m still debating whether to start saving some books for Christmas, like the ones in the sale above. Do you stockpile books? Do you read stories themed for the season?

If you are stockpiling books, Anna Hackett just released the first book in her new science fiction romance series – Gladiator is so hot! And like me, you’ll probably be unable to resist reading it early.

Summer is Finally Here

shugakIt’s not officially summer yet in my corner of the world, but today’s forecast suggests it’s arriving early and setting up home. On the plus side, that means ice cream! Yay! On the not so plus side, I hate really hot weather. I get tired and cranky (more than normal, LOL) and I just want to hibernate with the air con. On really hot days, I like to read books set in places like Alaska!

The Kate Shugak series by Dana Stabenow really brings Alaska alive. A Cold Place for Murder, the first book in the series seems to be free at the moment (please, check before you click).

Writing Update

Phoenix Blood is all set for its December 27th release. I’m so excited about this book. Not only is it the start of a new series, but each time I read the book for editing purposes, it wows me! I wrote this? Wow! 

I’ve started writing the next book in the series. Fantastical Island has a different vibe to Phoenix Blood, which is a road trip and second chance romance and intense. With Fantastical Island it’s just as intense, but Corey isn’t a wounded hero. Instead he’s goofball charming, even if he doesn’t realise he’s charming. In the glamorous world of Hollywood, he underestimates his attractions. Naomi doesn’t, but there’s a major hiccup in the two of them getting together – he suspects her of trapping and trading in the fantastical creatures who are his friends! Oh, and then there are the ghosts, who weren’t meant to be in the book, but insisted on crashing the party. Fun times!

Also, check your email for a message from me sometime soon. My new short story, “The Crocodile Virgin”, is about to go free. The countdown is on!

New Salad Discovery

chickpeaWith summer arriving, I’m experimenting with salads. This one has a chickpea (garbanzo) base. It’s also incredibly simple to make. Rinse and drain one can of chickpeas, put them in a salad bowl and sprinkle with salt, pepper, cumin and your favourite dry curry mix (I used Keen’s, the “keen” as mustard people), drizzle in olive oil, toss, then leave in the fridge a couple of hours. When you’re ready to eat, add a chopped celery stick, capsicum (red pepper), Polish (optionally Polish) gherkins (pickled cucumbers), and cauliflower florets. Add the cauliflower last so that it soaks up a sprinkle (or more – I love vinegar) of balsamic vinegar. Toss and serve.

This is a really robust salad and made me think of a healthy hamburger 🙂

2 responses to “Weekend Reading”

    • D, that’s a lovely compliment 🙂 I keep looking at other authors, like Anna Hackett, and knowing how far I have still to go. But, we’ll all get there – one day!!


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