The Seven Tropes of Paranormal Romance

I read a LOT of paranormal romance. I also write it. So I’m sitting here at the keyboard trying to boil it down into seven tropes: the seven things that aren’t so much over-used as instantly recognisable and definitive of the subgenre. Or to put it another way: what do I like to see in a paranormal romance novel?

Kick Ass Heroine

Right from the start, even if she’s in a Cinderella role, I want to see strength in the heroine. What does she believe in? What will she fight for?

Magic Won’t Solve the Problem

The fun of paranormal romance is, in a large part, the imaginative worlds authors create. How does some form of magic or “otherness” make the world of the book different to our everyday lives? However, as mind-boggling as the magical world is, magic can’t solve all problems. Human resourcefulness and the heroine’s emotional journey must contribute to saving the day.

A Man of Mystery

Part of the heroine’s (and reader’s) journey of discovery must include the hero. Who is he really? What secret is he hiding? Why can’t we guess what he’ll do next?

Who Has the Map?

We’re all going on a quest. It might be to solve a murder or to save the day, but there’s a quest underway. There’ll be setbacks and, hopefully, unforeseen twists. The stakes get progressively higher.

Don’t Die Laughing

Humour lurks in paranormal romance. Sometimes it’s subtle and rueful. Other times it is loud and snarky. As the tension ratchets up, someone crack a joke!

Find the Touchstone

The worlds of paranormal romance are many and varied, but as we quest here and there, we have to stumble over a touchstone or two. Somewhere in the thickets of magic is the truth. As readers, we recognise some soul truth. So does our heroine, and it changes her. It goes back to the first kick ass question: what (or who) is worth fighting for?

And We All Live Happily Ever After

Whatever happens in a paranormal romance novel, it is a ROMANCE. There has to be a happy ending, or a happy for now ending. Better make it believable, too. The world may be magical, but human hearts remain the same, and we want our hero and heroine to have a solid chance at happiness.

You see, at their core, paranormal romance novels are about fighting impossible odds in incredible settings with unusual sidekicks out of the hope that somehow we (like the heroine) can make a difference in life.

What do you expect to see in a paranormal romance novel?


phoenix blood, jenny schwartz, pnr, paranormal romance, kindle unlimited,

Phoenix Blood is free to read in Kindle Unlimited. Magic condemned him, but before he dies, he’ll save the woman whose heart he broke. Magic, mystery, a fledgling phoenix and a once-in-a-lifetime road trip.

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8 responses to “The Seven Tropes of Paranormal Romance”

  1. Awesome summarization of 7 tropes. I’m currently trying to start my own paranormal romance novel and it’s getting to be a bit worrisome with some of the tropes I’m breaking. Glad to know I’m not going to far outside the box for this particular idea.

    • If you’re worrying about the tropes you’re breaking, I’m guessing you’re doing awesomely – aware of the genre expectations, but having fun making it your own. Happy writing!

  2. Awesome! I can work on that ‘magical seven points’ to keep myself on track. Thank you for sharing. 🙂

    I love when an author follows the basics, but still manages to surprise me with a twist – isn’t that right, Jenny? 😉 🙂

    • D, it’s so interesting sitting and trying to break down our favourite reads. I’ve even started doing the analysis with some TV shows!!! as for twists … heh heh more planned 🙂

  3. Really enjoyed the seven tropes of a paranormal romance, Jenny. You always have the most interesting posts. Well done.

    • Thanks, Mary! – I was supposed to be doing so many other things yesterday, and instead, I just had to write this post. It helped clarify things for me in writing the current book.


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