Treasure Hunting

Who doesn’t love a good treasure hunt? Remember when you were a kid and a birthday party included a treasure hunt? Fun times! Of course, it didn’t do the hosting parent’s garden any favours, but what kid thought of that? We just trampled the flowers. 🙂

As adults, the urge to discover treasure doesn’t go away. We stalk it through op shops and flea markets. We attend auctions and study eBay (or whatever). But the treasure we search for isn’t always a bargain or something we can flip for money, although that’s a great feeling. Sometimes finding a treasure means finding one simple, perfect, long sought for thing.

Hold that thought! I have two book promos (one with a gorgeous giveaway) to share with you today – and a favour to ask. I’ll leave that till the end of the post. The first promo is the Unlock the Secret Worlds Science Fiction & Fantasy Sale which has nearly 100 novels at 99c, September 2-3.


Okay, back to treasure hunting! The treasure can be as mundane yet awesome as discovering a never-fail cake recipe. Off-topic: my mum’s chocolate cake recipe comes close to this. I’ve baked it in a wood oven without a thermometer and it was delicious. Or the treasure can be finding your soul mate or a cure for a disease or buying a worn-out old house and renovating it back to glory because you saw the possibilities in it.

Treasure hunting is both hard work and pure gift.

Second interruption! The September Kindle Unlimited Book Blast where a few of us authors get together to promote our books is also running now. If you’re a Kindle Unlimited subscriber, dive in! If you’re not a Kindle Unlimited subscriber, there are still gems you can buy…  But most of all – there’s a chance you could win a Kindle Fire! Woohoo! Good luck 🙂

kindle unlimited


Kindle UnlimitedIf you do find a treasure, sometimes you share it and sometimes you hoard it. Searching through Kindle Unlimited (Amazon’s subscription library) feels a bit like hunting for treasure. So many books, many of which don’t appeal to me, but when I discover a gem, read it and love it, then I share it on my Facebook page devoted to Kindle Unlimited books, Always Another Great Book. Sharing the treasures I find works for me – it encourages the authors to write more!

But other treasures, I’m not so sure whether it’s responsible to share them. Like wildflowers. When you find a rare orchid, do you share its location on social media so others can find it and appreciate it, or will that risk the orchid itself? This is a real dilemma in my corner of the world, take the Queen of Sheba orchid as an example.

Writing a novel is about telling the story of a hunt for treasure, a quest. A romance is about finding love. Adventure stories can be about saving the world, rescuing someone, almost anything. Mysteries are driven by the need to discover whodunnit. 😉 I believe a novel has to have a treasure buried in it or it’s cheated its readers. Who knew that years and years after childhood treasure hunts I’d be the one hiding a treasure – and making sure that everyone who searched for it found it!

So what do you go treasure hunting for? What treasures have you found, especially one that surprised you?

P.S. The favour I wanted to ask is directed to anyone who subscribes to BookBub’s daily book recommendations. Would you mind following my author profile over on BookBub? I’m trying to build my profile so that BookBub might agree to include one of my books in their newsletter one day. Thanks!

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