One Week, 99c Deals – Fantasy February!

This is a special promo only for Amazon US and UK people – sorry, Amazon won’t extend their countdown deals to Australia and similar places yet.

So many fantastic fantasy and suspense novels are 99c from February 25 – March 3. Check them all out here:

The Troll Bridge

I hope you’re enjoying my fantasy novel, The Troll Bridge. It’ll be 99c for a while, so if you want to recommend it to your friends… (unsubtle hint 😉 ). The Amazon link is for this troll and his true love fairy tale is

fantasy, kindle unlimited,

YouTube and/or Podcasts

I seem to have missed the YouTube addiction. Same with podcasts. Do you have any YouTube channels (or whatever they’re called) or podcasts that you always watch/listen to? Any recommendations?

TV Remakes

And while we’re chatting about non-book entertainment, who else heard the news that Charmed is getting a reboot? The Hollywood Reporter ran the story:

It started me thinking about what other TV shows I’d like to see inspire a new series. Maybe MASH? Would it be possible to make a show like that today? Which war?  China Beach tackled the Vietnam War really well, I thought. Great music, too.

Which TV shows would you like to see remade? Or do you think you can never recapture the magic of the original?

2 responses to “One Week, 99c Deals – Fantasy February!”

  1. Matt and I seem to have a gift for igniting reboot TV shows. We’d chat about shows we used to like and next thing we know, they’re rebooting it. Battlestar Galactica, MacGyver. Charmed, Magnum PI. Taken, which was a movie turned TV series, Hawaii 5-O, The X-Files, Greatest American Hero, Monkey, Roswell…pity we can’t do the same for lotto. LOL

    MASH is such an icon / classic. I feel it would be difficult to bring back the magic that show had. Their reruns are just as popular today.


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