Weekend Fun! Books and More

If you’d like a break from grim reality this weekend (and looking at politics and the media, who wouldn’t?) there’s a fabulous promo running May 5-6 with 99c science fiction and fantasy novels.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Book Promotions

science fiction, fantasy,

Once you’ve added some books to your e-readers, (link: https://pattyjansen.com/promo/ ) then it’s time to think about FOOD!

I believe weekends are the time for food indulgence. And yummy snacks plus a new book(s) plus time to read in peace equals heaven.

So, what are your favourite weekend indulgence foods and/or while reading treats?

Popcorn is a huge winner for me. I used to make it the old-fashioned way: heat a pot, add oil, then when the oil’s shimmering with heat, add the popcorn kernels. The way to test if the oil is hot enough is to drop a kernel in. If it spins in the oil, you’re ready. But the downside to this method is having to clean the pot! I am so lazy. So now I use a popcorn maker 🙂

Popcorn’s great because you can add the flavourings you like. I tend to just sprinkle on some salt, but adding melted butter is yummy, and there’s always the option of dusting it with powdered sugar. Do you eat popcorn? Do you have a favourite flavour that you add?

Have you heard the rumours that microwave popcorn is dangerous for you? Whether true or not, sometimes convenience isn’t worth the risk.

Although, speaking of convenience — all whiskey purists, look away now — it’s heading into winter in my corner of the world, which makes me think of Irish coffee. Now, this is how you make a truly delicious Irish coffee: https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/original-irish-coffee-recipe-1915164 Thank you, Food Network. However, if you’re as lazy as me — and yes, I’m really going to own up to this — you simply make a mug of instant coffee and add a dash of whiskey. I drink my coffee black, so that’s it. No sugar or cream, added. And it’s delish. Also, not for a workday … no drunken typing for this woman 😉

Happy weekend! Don’t forget to treat yourself to something fun.

3 responses to “Weekend Fun! Books and More”

  1. I’m trying hard not to eat snacks, which is difficult at this time of the year when it’s cooler and all I want to do is comfort eat. LOL

    Favourite snacks – chips (crisps) and chocolate. Lots of chocolate. 🙂


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