Cover Reveal! Amaranthine Kiss

Amaranthine Kiss will be out in August. I know I promised you guys a pre-order link to it, but that idea’s been kapowed by the lack of pre-orders for Space Deputy. If a book loses momentum Amazon makes it harder and harder to find it. So I have to assume that Amazon will give Amaranthine Kiss a bigger boost in its sales algorithms if I don’t put it up for pre-order and sales are concentrated on its release day. That’s the kind of mercenary thinking that occupies an author’s mind.

But, I can share the cover with you! Ta da! This beauty is courtesy of Lou Harper.

jenny schwartz, paranormal romance, urban fantasy, kindle unlimited,

Watch out for a magical mystery, some medical mayhem and, of course, a breath-taking romance.



3 responses to “Cover Reveal! Amaranthine Kiss”

  1. I pre-ordered Space Deputy 🙂 I will also order the new book when it comes out 🙂


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