New Release: Doctor Galaxy

Reality TV has never been so alien!


Have stethoscope. Will travel.


How about … Doctor Galaxy is out today? Woohoo!

Yup. My science fiction romantic comedy Doctor Galaxy is out today. One week before Christmas. I am so HAPPY to finish the year with laughter and love – and share it with you.


doctor galaxy, science fiction, jenny schwartz, romantic comedy, scifi romcom,

New ER doctor Alexi Sur always intended to join an aid agency. She’d just expected to work among humans. But when the Pax Galactica Corps becomes her only option (don’t ask – the debts aren’t hers, but the family is. Much to her regret), Alexi finds herself traveling the galaxy and learning alien physiology and culture, all while becoming a reality TV star.

Being pursued by camera drones and starring in her very own Welcome-to-the-Universe documentary was never on Alexi’s to do list. She’s positive the show will flop. After all, Alexi is boring. That’s why her boyfriend left her for her stepsister.

But as trillions of aliens tune in to watch Alexi discover the universe in Doctor Galaxy, what she discovers is the existential threat facing humanity.

Major Soren Agha already knows about the danger. He’s currently playing peacekeeper for the Eripi of the Pariah Sector whose tragic fate could be humanity’s: conquered, exploited, lost.

Can one dedicated doctor save humanity? Can she, as Soren believes, also save the Eripi? And would anyone really notice if she sabotaged a couple of pesky camera drones?

Since this is my final newsletter for 2022 (and if anyone can explain to me how a year can vanish so fast, I’d appreciate it), I want to take this chance to wish you a fantastic new year. May it bring you every happiness. May the kindness you share return to you a hundredfold.

I should also be a bit business-like and mention my publishing schedule for 2023.

I Spy an Alien, the standalone sequel to Doctor Galaxy, is out March 31.

After that, I’m hoping to release Cherry’s trilogy, a spin-off from Nora’s story, The Adventures of a Xeno-Archaeologist. The plan, subject to life cooperating, is for the trilogy to release in June, September and December 2023.

At which point, we’ll be back here with me writing an end of year post and unsure how or where the year vanished.

Happy reading & happy 2023!


10 responses to “New Release: Doctor Galaxy”

  1. Thank you for Alexi and the cast of Doctor Galaxy. I enjoyed meeting all of the diverse species that populate this version your imagination. I must admit to being totally taken by Alexi’s boss. Such a kind being. Your use of ze and zer was so flawless. Soren’s solution masterful. Thank you again. I look forward to the next books. Anne Luree

    • Thanks, Anne. Especially for noticing the ze and zer usage! I had to check and double-check the manuscript because my typing fingers kept reverting to he/she him/her habits.

  2. It was lots of fun and I can’t wait for the next one. I really enjoy the way you write. Just keep going, I’ll follow.

    • Dangerous words, Lucinda – the follow bit 😉 We’re venturing into strange space next year with Cherry’s story (following on from Nora’s). Happy holidays!

  3. Have a wonderful holiday! I have so enjoyed your writing of Nora’s story. I only discovered you late in the series. Enjoy your family/friends have a good new year.

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